Toddler Bunk Beds
Toddler bunk beds are the ultimate solution for small rooms or child room sharing. You effectively have two beds with a footprint of one.
Most children prefer to be in the upper bed, but ideally this should be reserved for an older child. It is much safer for a younger child to be in the bottom bed.
So in this respect bunk beds are not for toddlers. But you can also get bunk beds with pop-up tents on the side and slides down from the top bunk.
These are great beds for toddlers. During the day they can play with their in-house slide and at night they can sleep safely in the tented bottom bunk. You would supervise the use of the play slide in exactly the same way you supervise the use of a slide in a playground. Access to the top bunk is usually via a ladder but you can get bunks with a staircase to the top bunk. This is much safer for access and usually provides storage under the stairs.
Most bunks have rails on the top bunk to ensure there are no accidental falls during the night and some bunks have storage under the bottom bunk.
A variation of the bunk bed is the loft bed. This is a single bed with either storage and shelving or a desk underneath. Again the key feature is the space saving as it takes less space in the room than a separate desk and single twin bed.
There is no doubt bunk beds are a useful option especially if you have limited room and more than one child. They are also good for sleep overs or when friends with children come to visit.
Finally, most bunk beds can be separated and then you have twin beds. So when your children need rooms of their own you can move the beds around.
By choosing well built bunks from a reputable manufacturer you will have a versatile piece of bedroom furniture that will last for many years come.
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